Cognition Group Meeting (18th October)

This was a useful meeting, primarily because the Director, Producer and Rob, one of our sound team, had scouted a location earlier in the morning. We learnt that the location was perfect in terms of visuals, but unfortunately had several drawbacks in terms of Location Audio. The ceiling was low, which meant access for booms and also lights would be an issue, meaning we may need to scoop in situations where normally we wouldn’t have too, lowering the quality of any audio, albeit slightly. The main issue is that a main road is situated very close by, which means using a boom might not even be possible, so we would have to rely on radio mics, then add atmosphere and ambience in during Post-Production. I would like, if possible to avoid that, as all my research has told me that we should strive to record the best possible audio on Location. No matter how skilled you are at noise reduction, ambience matching, etc. it would still be favourable to have clear, usable dialogue from the get-go.

Another caveat to the location is the availability. The dates we can use it are 31st October, 14th November, and 17th November, from 10:00AM to 16:00PM. Considering that the film set will need to be dressed up and down before we can begin shooting and leave, this leaves very little actual time in which to shoot, and we would be very rushed as a result. For these reasons, Lauren (Director) and Hannah (Producer), both decided we should have this location be a backup, in case other location scouting plans fell through. On the positive side, the Drill Hall have said they won’t charge the team for the use of the space, so this is something to consider.

The other topic pertinent to sound was the idea of a short, 15 second title sequence, that Lauren wanted to be animated. Tom has some experience with animation, and we would be tasked with producing audio for this sequence. I think it should be an interesting opportunity to do some original sound design, and we’ll definitely be talking about how we might approach that in our personal group meetings later on in the week. Lauren also asked about the Client Requirements portion of our Proposal, which I’ll ask David about in our tutorial this coming Friday.

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